Free Week Trial
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Terms and Conditions

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activities and programmes of H1 CrossFit and to use the facilities and equipment owned by H1 CrossFit, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, I hereby waive, release and forever discharge H1 CrossFit from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or my use of equipment or facilities in the above mentioned activities to the maximum extent permissible by New Zealand law.

I understand and I am aware that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment are potentially hazardous activities. I also understand that exercise and fitness activities involve a risk of injury and even death. I acknowledge and agree that the athletic activities I will be participating in require a high degree of effort, are designed to be high intensity, and are intended to challenge my cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, accuracy, balance and coordination. I acknowledge and agree that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and facilities with the knowledge of the dangers involved.

I understand that although H1 CrossFit will take steps to reduce the risks and increase the safety of all athletic activities, it is not possible for H1 CrossFit to make these athletic activities completely safe. I also acknowledge that I am personally responsible for my preparation prior to athletic activities, my concentration and attention during these athletic activities, and for my post activity rest and recovery. I also acknowledge that I am aware about the medical condition "Rhabdomyolysis" and accordingly I have been advised to limit my effort in order to minimise the risks associated with this condition. I confirm that I have and will continue to honestly represent my level of fitness, health, nutrition, use of medication, medical history, and current physical, mental, and medical condition to H1 CrossFit. I understand that H1 CrossFit is not able to and will not provide me with medical advice regarding any medical conditions I may have and that the information I provide is used only as a guideline to the limitations of my ability to exercise.

I hereby declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease or infirmity or other illness (other than those declared on this form) that would prevent my participation or use of equipment or facilities.

I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination or have been given my doctors permission to participate, or that I have decided to participate in activity and use of equipment and machinery without the approval of my doctor and do hereby assume all responsibility for my participation and activities, and utilisation of equipment and machinery in my activities. I confirm that I will learn and obey the rules and regulations of H1 CrossFit, and that I will follow the instructions and directions of H1 CrossFit during athletic activities. I will also inform H1 CrossFit immediately should I feel pain, discomfort, fatigue, nausea or other symptoms that I may suffer during and immediately after athletic activities. I consent to receiving first aid and medical treatment by H1 CrossFit in the event of an accident, injury or illness during athletic activity. I agree to allow H1 CrossFit, its agents, officers, principals, employees and volunteers to use picture(s), film and/or likeness of me for advertising purposes. In the event I choose not to allow the use of the same for said purpose, I agree that I must inform H1 CrossFit of this in writing.

I Understand that any children I bring with me onto the premises of H1 CrossFit are my sole responsibility and although some semi supervised play areas are provided it is always my obligation to ensure the safety of said children. I Consent to ensuring children will not play with, or on gym equipment. I agree that if I bring children with me to the gym they need to be under the supervision of an adult at all times and under no circumstances can be on the gym floor during class times. I release and forever discharge H1 CrossFit from any and all responsibility for any injury to children I bring onto the premises due to any cause whatsoever.

I understand that children are not allowed at the gym during Open Gym times or at any time where there is not a staff member present.

Fees and Charges:
I acknowledge and understand that paying by credit card will incur a 2.65% (Min $1.20) surcharge on all transactions - this includes any products or merchandise purchased from the retail store. I understand that H1 CrossFit use Ezidebit for direct debit membership payments. Payments are deducted monthly on the first of the month and membership is paid in advance. Failed payments will incur a failed payment penalty fee of $21.90 from Ezidebit.

I acknowledge and understand that membership pricing is subject to change and that H1 CrossFit is required to give a minimum of one months notice of any increase in membership pricing. In addition, H1 CrossFit reserves the right to make changes to any discount offered and that H1 CrossFit is required to give a minimum of one months notice of any change in discount. I acknowledge and understand that weekly or fortnightly payments are subject to an additional processing fee of $1.50 per payment. I acknowledge and understand that a valid pensioners or student ID is required for a discount to apply and that the same household discount is only valid if both parties are using the same payment method and while both members have an active Unlimited Membership.

I acknowledge and understand that there is a $5 fee if I do not attend a class that I have made a reservation for and/or I cancel within 30 minutes of the class starting. In addition I understand that if I cancel after 11.00pm for the 5am class or I do not attend the 5.00am class when I have a reservation, I will automatically forfeit any future pre-booked classes and will have to re-book/go to the back of the waitlist.

I understand that a membership hold request form must be completed on the H1 CrossFit website and can be requested in 2 - 12 week increments. I understand that hold requests must be submitted no less than 2 weeks in advance of the hold start date and I cannot place a hold on my membership more than twice or for more than 90 days in a calendar year. I understand that my membership and payments will resume automatically upon expiration of the hold period I have selected, and the agreement duration will be extended for the amount of the hold time period requested. I understand that if a break longer than 3 months is required my membership will be cancelled and on return membership will be at the current rate. I understand that there is a membership hold blackout period 19th December- 16th January which means my membership cannot be placed on hold between these dates.
I understand that if I cancel my membership during the hold period, the cancellation policy agreed to below applies and my membership will become active for the duration of my notice period.

I understand that a cancellation request form must be completed on the H1 CrossFit website. I understand 30 days notice is required and any invoices scheduled to charge within that 30 days notice window will be billed through to the expiry of the membership. I understand that termination of my membership before the end of my contract will require a termination fee of the difference between the membership I was on and the membership I should have been on as outlined in my membership agreement.

Other Items
I understand that should H1 CrossFit be required to close our physical location due to a government mandated lockdown as a result of Covid-19 or similar that H1 CrossFit services will move online and training will continue via remote/online services. I will need to request a hold or cancellation of my membership if I do not wish to continue with remote/online training.

Liability Waiver

I agree to WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have or may have in the future against H1 CrossFit, and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and independent contractors (all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Releasees"). I agree to RELEASE THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer as a result of my participation in the programs, activities and services provided by H1 CrossFit due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care.

I agree that this agreement and any rights, duties and obligation as between the parties to this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. I have read and understand this release and agreement and agree to its provisions. I am not under their influence of any drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants. I am not suffering from any illness or incapacity. I am over 18 years of age. (If not over 18 years of age, parent or guardian must sign.)


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